Projects we support


Cristina English School, Dream Big Cambodia’s English school in Bakong, provides free classes in English to children from around the area, fundamentally supporting itself on the collaboration of a host of international volunteers. Unfortunately resources are scarce, and the conditions present in the premises far from optimal, so there are occasions where it becomes difficult to attract new volunteers who can replace the ones finishing their stay.

In times of absence of volunteers, Cristina English School requires the services of local teachers who not only master the English language but are also qualified to undertake the task of coordinating the continuity of the teaching project. Hiring someone with that kind of profile has a monthly cost of 200€.


Free access of some parts of the population to not purified water sources is a big problem in Cambodia, which is the cause to numerous infections and can even result in death.

We are collecting funds to purify the water in the well that Dream Big Cambodia has in its school in Bakong, with the aim of freeing the organization from the cost and its dependence (both economical and environmental) on bottled water. The cost of the filters required to sanitize the well (which must be replaced over time) is set at 50€.


Access to health is neither public nor free in Cambodia. That prompts a lot of parents to take their kids to the doctor only in the event of a serious disease.

We are gathering funds to guarantee the health of the children under Dream Big Cambodia’s care. We aim at medical check-ups once every 3 months, so the kids can keep growing up healthy and strong. Each visit to the doctor has an average cost of 25€, excluding all medicines necessary as a consequence of possible treatments.


In the last few years, at Dream Big Cambodia they’ve been lucky enough to witness a bunch of their children grow up, finish their studies in the public school and take on the exams to access university. Unfortunately, even though school is free it is also insufficient, so many parents decide to pay for extra classes for their children. What’s more, signing up for a university implies an unaffordable cost for the vast majority of students, who find an impassable wall in high education and a barrier holding up or entirely cutting off their personal progress.

We are collecting funds to help Dream Big Cambodia complete its comprehensive educational project aimed at the children of rural communities. At the moment, the cost of 3 extra classes is set at 1€, while the average cost of university fees in Cambodia amounts to 600€.


The geographical area of residence for many of the children attending Dream Big Cambodia’s school in Bakong is wide and dispersed, and it is for this reason that many of the kids require some transport means to get to their classes on time. The fact that the school is located very close to the main highway connecting Siem Reap to Phnom Penh makes it very dangerous for the kids to cover the distance on bike. At the moment VFRCC has a “tuk-tuk” at its disposal, allocated to the task of transporting the children. However, this vehicle has proven to be insufficient and unsafe when it comes down to transporting the children over the badly maintained dirt tracks of the area, especially during the rainy season.

We are collecting funds so Dream Big Cambodia can acquire a secondhand minivan, with which the transportation of the children can be carried out in an efficient and safe way, independently of the weather conditions. The approximate cost, depending on the model, revolves around 4000€.